
  “辰哥哥,You look in front of the cherry tree and the Bauhinia trees!”(你快看前面的樱花树和紫荆树!)云儿指着前面的樱花树和紫荆树说。


  “辰哥哥!You promise me, to the time of the season, you accompany me to look at the flowers, OK?”(你答应我,到了季节花开的时候,你陪我一起里看着花开,好不好?)云儿问。




  “Legend of the Southern Dynasties, with his brother Zhen Tian Tian Qing, Tian Guang three separation, other property has been properly, in front of the hall of a strain of Bauhinia trees remaining bad treatment.(传说南朝时,田真与弟弟田庆、田广三人分家,别的财产都已分妥,剩下堂前的一株紫荆树不好处理。)At night, the brothers three people to discuss the Acacia cut into three sections, each section.(夜晚,兄弟三人商量将荆树截为三段,每人分一段。)The next day, Tian really to cut trees, tree has withered, seems to be burned, very shocked, the two brothers said,'this is a root the tree, heard of it cut into three sections of dead the, but not as good as trees, but to the separation.'(第二天,田真去截树时,发现树已经枯死,好像是......

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