

  “Hello everyone, I am a new student. English name is Cherry from China. Yes, my Chinese name is Xia Mo. Very pleased to be able to complete high school together with you, I hope you can become good friends.”【翻译:大家好,我是新学生。英文名是樱桃,来自中国。对了,我的中文名是夏林沫。很高兴可以和你们一起完成高中,希望我可以和你们变成好朋友。】说着自信的笑了。大家都议论纷纷:

  “A pretty girl, but why she is so small to high school?”【翻译:很漂亮的一个女孩,但为什么她那么小却来上高中?】

  “Indeed, she was smaller than we at least five years old!”【翻译:是的,她至少比我们小了五岁呀!】

  “seems very powerful,she looked lovely. If I was her sister, I must be very proud to have this lovable sister.”【翻译:看起来很厉害,也很可爱。如果我是她姐姐,一定会为这个可爱的妹妹骄傲吧!】


  夏简溪突然起立:“She is my sister, very powerful. She has ended her studies, and to go to high school is just a process.”【翻译:她是我妹妹,很厉害。她已经结束自己的学业了,来上高中只不过是走个过程罢了。】





  “Cherry, this is ......

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